I.T.F. International Instructor and Examiner
I have been training in Taekwon-Do for 43 years and in that time have trained under Master Rhee Chong Hyup, GrandMaster Tran Trieu Quan, GrandMaster Trajtenberg, GrandMaster Marano and General Choi Hong Hi (founder of Taekwon-Do). I have always followed a traditional path which has taken me all over the world, being graded in USA, Malaysia, Philippines, New Zealand and Australia.
I continue to conduct classes regularly with South Perth Taekwon-Do and hold seminars in Perth and the Philippines. I am President of the Allied National Taekwon-Do Association of Australia Inc. and I have a strong belief that if you practise Taekwon-Do then you have an edge that can help you through most of lifes challenges.
I.T.F. International Instructor and Examiner
Paul has been training in Taekwon-Do since 1989. Commencing training in Perth while at university, Paul achieved 1st Dan Black belt during the time he lived in Japan, living in a very, very small apartment which was located around the corner from the ITF Japan Headquarters. Some time after Paul returned to Perth, Paul's wife Akiko and children also started training and the family have enjoyed the special benefits that a family training together can bring. Paul has attended several ITF International seminars in other parts of Australia, New Zealand and The Philippines. Paul's favourite kick is a spot jumping back kick!
I.T.F. International Instructor and Examiner
Roger began training with South Perth Taekwon-Do when it first started classes in 1993. Since then he has continued his training here and in Sydney. Roger has competed successfully in a number of tournaments and participated in a number of internationally accredited ITF seminars.He continues to train and teach Taekwon-do and work as a school teacher in Perth.
I started TKD in Edinburgh in 2004 and achieved first degree in October 2006. I continued training in Edinburgh being promoted to 2nd degree inJanuary 2010.After emigrating to Perth in 2011 I joined South Perth TKD and was promoted to 3rd degree by Master Barbour after which I was delighted to be asked to become an assistant instructor to help with the junior class.
Master Peter Barbouremail: sptkd@iinet.net.au
mobile: 0422 292 492
South Perth Taekwon-Do
T G O'Sullivan Pavilion within Wesley College South Perth grounds
Enter from Coode street into Swan street