40+ Classes

This program is specifically designed for the over 40's with the aim of improving and achieving a good quality of life through the practice of Taekwon-Do. Even though these students in the 40+ program follow the same syllabus as the teens and adults, there is an emphasis given to working your body without causing injury whilst promoting weight loss, flexibility and fitness.


  • reduce the chances of contracting heart disease
  • decrease the chance of developing diabetes
  • strengthen muscles, tendons and bones
  • improve levels of concentration and memory
  • improve circulation
  • improve mood and emotional state
  • reduce anxiety
  • improve response to stress
  • improve mobility, balance and co-ordination
  • improve physical independence


Adults, Teens and 40+ Classes

  • 1 student fortnightly fee $70 for 3 classes per week
  • Family discount 2: students fortnightly fee $105
  • Family discount 3: students fortnightly fee $140
Adults, Teens and 40+
  • Tuesday: 6:30PM - 7:30PM
  • Thursday: 6:30PM - 7:30PM
  • Sunday: 9:00AM - 10:30AM
Self Defense Classes for over 40s

Master Peter Barbouremail: sptkd@iinet.net.au
mobile: 0422 292 492

South Perth Taekwon-Do
T G O'Sullivan Pavilion
within Wesley College South Perth grounds
Enter from Coode street into Swan street